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Developing Diagnosis Techniques and Strategies to Reduce Non-revenue Water in the Middle East Region- FABRI Project – Arab Countries Water Utilities Association

Developing Diagnosis Techniques and Strategies to Reduce Non-revenue Water in the Middle East Region- FABRI Project

Project Location

North Africa and the Middle East

Project Cost

ACWUA Component: 165,000 (EUR)






Lead Partner: LDK Consultants, Engineers, and Planners S.A.


LDK Consultants Off 21, Thivaidos st, Gr-145 64, Kifissia, Athens,T: +30 210 8196700,F +30 210 8196709, E: [email protected],W:

Funded by


Overview of the Action
The action analysed utility operations and related NRW parameters in addition to underlying external and internal factors that affect these parameters. Its overall view is to identify the top factors/influencers and to what level they can affect NRW reduction programs and developing strategies that are adopted by utilities and governments to further improve NRW levels sustainably and increase efficiency and provide a framework for monitoring and evaluation.

Objectives of the action
The action objectives are:

  • Analysing the causes for high NRW in the Arab Region utilities and investigate the reasons behind fluctuations in NRW management performance through understanding the underlying factors and challenges related to sector governance, utility organization and structures, operational systems and functions, nature of supply and services, and network physical status.
  • Developing the capacity within ACWUA to provide support to its utility members to target NRW reduction and advance utilities efforts to improve performance.
  • Creating and strengthening a permanent NRW task force within ACWUA as a continuing technical resource to the region, particularly for expanding the effort to new utilities.
  • Supporting ACWUA utilities in developing and implementing action plans to reduce NRW.
  • Building linkages and knowledge exchange platforms between ACWUA and the African Water Association (AfWA) members through common research on NRW problems in the region.

Results of the action (Outcomes & outputs)

  • Developing a NRW diagnostic tool and adopting it in the Arab Region.
  • Developing Miyahuna Five Years NRW Strategic and Investment Plan (2017-2021)
  • Establishing a NRW task force in ACWUA from its constituent utilities that works in cooperation with AfWA NRW water team.
  • Leveraging the knowledge base that has been established within ACWUA through its Technical Working Groups to inform understanding of the contextual factors underlying NRW in the region and accordingly our scope and design details of the research activities and identifying subject utilities.
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