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Improving Water and Sanitation Services in the MENA Region Program (IWSMR) – Arab Countries Water Utilities Association

Improving Water and Sanitation Services in the MENA Region Program (IWSMR)

Project Location

MENA Region

Project Cost

1,991,240 (USD)






Lead Partner: Chemonics international


USAID Middle East Regional Platform Giessener Str 30, 60435 Frankfurt am Main Germany

Funded by

USAID Middle East Regional Program (MERP)

Overview of the Action
Funded by USAID, the IWSMR Program with ACWUA aims to develop and deliver regionally recognized water and wastewater treatment plant operator certifications and utility twinning exchanges. While expanding the existing programs in Jordan and Egypt, IWSMR supported ACWUA in scaling up operator certification to member countries.

Objectives of the action

  • Increased ACWUA capacity to carry out its mandate.
  • Scaled-up Regional Operator Certification and Training Program (ROCTP).
  • Improved performance of regional utilities through knowledge exchanges.

Results of the action (Outcomes & outputs)

  • ACWUA Strategic Business Plan for 2015- 2019 – Emphasizing. operator certification approved by the board was developed.
  • Certification Information System (CIS): Customized software to efficiently plan training and maintain accurate records was developed.
  • The Capacity Development and Certification Unit was established to implement current certification services and sustain delivery for future demand.
  • Responsibility Determination Request: A formal Finance Manual and Project Management Manual were created, as well as other improvements to ACWUA’s management and financial systems performed.
  • Interim Certification Platform: The Jordanian certification process was adopted while harmonizing the Egypt and Jordan programs.
  • Certified Operators, Trainers, Course and Test Developers: 249 total certified personnel from 8 countries passing pilot courses in Wastewater Treatment, Water Distribution, Utility Management, Pump O&M, Training of Trainers, Instructional Systems Development and Certification Information Systems (out of 249 trainees, IWSMR has trained 61 females representing a 24% average of all trainees).
  • Training Impact Assessment (TIA) was conducted: Tracking and reporting performance improvement at participating pilot utilities to validate ROCTP.
  • Utility Twinning: Facilitation of 2 twinning exchanges both local and regional. Serving as a mentor utility, Aqaba Water Company has lead interventions with Beirut & Mount Lebanon Water Establishment on Non-revenue water and information technology and with the Water Authority of Jordan/Salt Utility on Management Maintenance Systems, i.e. improving the Call Center for achieve improved service delivery. ACWUA now has a Twinning Manual to be used for planning 10 future twinning arrangements for utilities throughout the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
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