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Managing Water Utilities Through Crisis – Arab Countries Water Utilities Association

Managing Water Utilities Through Crisis

Project Location

Gaza Strip, Iraq, Yemen, Jordan, Libya, and Lebanon

Project Cost

50,000 (USD)






The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20433

Funded by

The World Bank

Overview of the Action
This project is part of the Water Global Practices (GP)s support to Fragile Conflict and Violence (FCV) affected countries. This support aims to make and facilitate water-related investments that address/reverse the water-insecurity-fragility cycle based on a consideration of a broad menu of potential water interventions including providing water and sanitation services, protecting against water-related disasters, and preserving adequate, sustainable water resources. This is done by providing operational teams working on FCV affected countries with three areas of support:

  • Upstream analysis to inform options for reengagement in the water sector.
  • Data collection for project preparation.
  • Learning from existing operations and partnerships.

Objectives of the action
The objective is to work with the World Bank and other partners (UNICEF, ICRC, GIZ and CMI) to develop tools and practical guidance that enable utilities to:

  • Better prepare for emergencies and conflict.
  • Manage operation during conflict to minimize service deterioration.
  • Recover from conflict situations rapidly.

Results of the action (Outcomes & outputs)
Case study materials in a resource book for utilities managing through crisis to draw on and expert advice from across a range of countries (Gaza Strip, Iraq, Yemen, Jordan, Libya, and Lebanon) in the fields which are: energy and tanker trucks management.

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