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MDG+ – Arab Countries Water Utilities Association


Project Location

Arab Region

Project Cost

ACWUA Component: 722,766 (USD)








The United Nations Economic and Social Commission For Western ASIA (UN-ESCWA) P.O. Box 11-8575, Riad el-Solh Square, Beirut, Lebanon

Funded by

Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)

Overview of the Action

Establishing and institutionalizing a regional mechanism for monitoring and reporting on access to water supply and sanitation services in the Arab region based on the regional context in view of developing a knowledge platform that provides reliable data, information and analysis regarding the quantity and quality of access to water supply and sanitation services in the Arab region. The project aimed also to inform national, regional, and international policy dialogue and planning discussions on the adoption of regionally sensitive approaches for framing development targets in a post-MDG environment. The overall development objective of the project can thus be formulated as follows: by 2015, water and sanitation policy in the Arab region is informed by reliable data, information and analysis based on a set of region-specific indicators endorsed by Arab Governments.

Objectives of the action

• Enhanced regional and national monitoring capacity.
• Established regional data management platform.
• Institutionalized regional monitoring.
• Strengthened regional dialogue.

Results of the action (Outcomes & outputs)

• Two regional monitoring reports on the MDG+ were released.
•  Eight project progress reports on the MDG+ Initiative were published.
• Institutionalization of National Monitoring Teams and a regional data management platform were created.
• MDG+ Unit was established.
• Launching of a web site.

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