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Non-Revenue Water (NRW) reduction plan, knowledge sharing workshop and water utility management training – Arab Countries Water Utilities Association

Non-Revenue Water (NRW) reduction plan, knowledge sharing workshop and water utility management training

Project Location


Project Cost

ACWUA Component: 93,395.03 (JOD)






Tetra Tech International Inc./ Water Management Initiative (WMI) Project


WMI offices Wadi Saqra, Mohammad Jama’an Street, building # 4, 1st Floor Washington, DC 20433

Funded by


Overview of the Action
Water Management Initiative (WMI) Project goal is to improve the sustainability of Jordan’s water supply system, improve water conservation and water governance systems and protect water resources. Through targeted assistance and capacity building, WMI supports the implementation of improved utility management practices, especially those related to NRW reduction and improved cost recovery. ACWUA as a project partner works on support implementation of NRW reduction strategies.

Objectives of the action
Working with Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), water utilities and WMI to develop a sector wide NRW strategy to identify priority areas in each utility and develop an implementation plan to achieve NRW targets.

Results of the action (Outcomes & outputs)

  • Reviewing NRW base information and assessment.
  • Conducting Case studies of best practices in Jordan and the Arab Region- NRW knowledge sharing workshop.
  • Development of NRW reduction Plan.
  • Development Jordan NRW Master Plan.
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