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Reliable Quality Water for Jordan – Benchmarking – Arab Countries Water Utilities Association

Reliable Quality Water for Jordan – Benchmarking

Project Location


Project Cost

100,000 (USD)






Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), Jaber Bin Hayyan St 5, Amman, Jordan Performance Management Unit (PMU) Jaber Bin Hayyan St 5, Amman, Jordan

Funded by


Overview of the Action
The reliable quality water for Jordan project is funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) under a grant agreement with the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ). The benchmarking project has been undertaken as a part of consultancy contract between WAJ and ACWUA. The benchmarking project studied the current status of performance monitoring practices in the water sector in Jordan and implemented a benchmarking program for water services in Jordan, through introducing best practices in performance assessment and performance improvement measures.

Objectives of the action

  • Reviewing the benchmarking program implemented by the PMU at the WAJ with a goal to ensure that going forward, benchmarking continues to be used as an effective managerial tool for reviewing the performance of operators in a transparent and non-politicised manner.
  • Supporting the enhancement of regional and national benchmarking programs; working closely with the PMU at WAJ.
  • Establishing a mechanism to ensure reporting discipline and quality of data.
  • Ensuring that participating utilities in benchmarking activities are in line with best practice.
  • Assessing opportunities for cross-border water partnerships between water operators in the region.

Results of the action (Outcomes & outputs)

  • Formation of a national benchmarking task force (TF).
  • Reviewing of current national benchmarking activities to date.
  • Implementing the benchmarking programme:
    o Programme Planning
    o Orientation, Training and Programme control
    o Data Acquisition and Validation
    o Data Analysis and Assessment Reporting
    o Improvement Actions
    o Review of Improvement Actions
  • Capacity building
  • Developing a benchmarking framework manual (procedures manual)
  • Knowledge sharing & exchange
    The project includes 9 utilities participating in Jordan Water Services Benchmarking program which covering entire water service provision in Jordan (Miyahuna, Aqaba Water, Zarqa Water, Madaba Water, Ma’an Water, Yarmouk Water, Tafila Water, Karak Water and Balqa Water).
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