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Water Integrity Near East – Arab Countries Water Utilities Association

Water Integrity Near East

Project Location

Jordan and Egypt

Project Cost

254,000 (EUR)






GIZ Deutche Gesellschaft Fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Gag-Hammarskjod-Weg 1-5 65760 Eschborn

Funded by


Overview of the Action
Water Integrity Near East project is a regional project, the objective of the project promoted by the financial contribution to promote water integrity at regional level and to implement water integrity initiatives at selected water utilities in Egypt and Jordan. Developing instruments and advocate quality standards to enhance the technical and commercial performance of water and wastewater utilities, and to test and promote their application in water utilities through a blend of regional dialogue, training, and networking.

Objectives of the action
The project main objectives are:

  • ACWUA advocates water integrity at regional level and promotes related capacity development activities.
  • ACWUA supports Jordanian water utilities to implement water integrity initiatives in pilot level.
  • ACWUA supports Holding Company in Egypt (HCWW) to implement water integrity at two pilots.

Results of the action (Outcomes & outputs)

  • Water integrity is part of ACWUA policy and strategy.
  • Supporting dialogue measures at Arab Water Week Conference. • Knowledge exchange between Jordanian water companies and Egypt at pilot levels.
  • Development of a regional pool of Water integrity trainers/experts under the umbrella of ACWUA (activities include TOT workshops, study tours, customizing of training material).
  • Awareness campaigns.
  • Sensitizing and training at different level to understand the concept of water integrity and TAP (Transparency-accountability-participation).
  • Conducting analysis and plan in 5 departments.
  • Developing Water TAP Manual for managing water integrity in the MENA Region.
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