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Water Safety Planning for the State of Palestine (WSP) – Arab Countries Water Utilities Association

Water Safety Planning for the State of Palestine (WSP)

Project Location


Project Cost

39,480 USD






Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)


SIWI Box 101 87, SE-100 55, Stockholm, Sweden Visiting Address: Linnégatan 87A Tel. +46 8 121 360 00 │ Fax. +46 8 121 360 01

Funded by

Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)

Overview of the Action

SIWI through a partnership agreement with UNICEF assigned ACWUA to enhance the capacity of the water sector in managing risks associated with water supply systems and ensure the safety and quality of the water supply particularly WSP. It is a critical intervention water sector’s challenges and contributes to the Palestine sustainable development goals, especially SDG 3 (good health and well-being) and SDG 6 (water and sanitation).

Objectives of the action

The ultimate objective of the project is to build capacities of water providers and other national stakeholders´ representatives to develop and implement WSP in Palestine, through a cascade training: a group of master trainers are trained with the aim that then they train smaller groups, until all service providers have been trained.

Results of the action

(Outcomes & outputs) Training material submitted in English and Arabic and approved by SIWI, UNICEF and the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA).
Training workshop for ToT report submitted and approved by SIWI, UNICEF and PWA.

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